厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 品茶网 明矾,又称硫酸铝钾,是一种在日常生活中常见的化学物质。它不仅可以用于工业生产,还能在家庭生活中发挥神奇的作用,成为水处理的必备妙方。今天,就让我们一起来了解明矾水的神奇之处。





1. 准备材料:明矾、清水、容器。

2. 将明矾放入容器中,加入适量的清水,搅拌均匀,使明矾充分溶解。

3. 将溶解后的明矾水倒入需要处理的水中,搅拌均匀。

4. 静置一段时间,让悬浮物和杂质凝聚成絮状物,沉降至水底。

5. 用过滤器或纱布将上清液过滤出来,即可得到清澈透明的水。



1. 洗涤蔬菜水果:在洗涤过程中,加入适量的明矾水,可以去除蔬菜水果表面的农药残留和杂质。

2. 清洗餐具:将餐具浸泡在明矾水中,可以有效去除油渍和污垢。

3. 饮用水处理:在家庭饮用水处理中,明矾水可以去除水中的悬浮物和细菌,确保水质安全。


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Sun Sheng is still smug and doesn’t want to fall with one foot. It turns out that there is a slope in front of Sun Sheng because the sight is too dim. Sun Shenggen didn’t notice this. Sun Sheng can complain that God was cruel and suffered from such inhuman abuse before his death. Sun Sheng will never come again. There are hands to protect his head and turn around to protect himself behind his back. After the sound of "Yes", Sun Sheng will have a long "roll" journey. Fortunately, the slope is smooth and there are no bumps, otherwise Sun Sheng may not be. Killed by locusts, but knocked to death by this slope, Sun Sheng didn’t feel how much blood he lost, but he couldn’t hold on to the attack and felt dizzy. Sun Sheng wanted to insist, but after insisting, Sun Sheng still didn’t hold on and passed out.Sun Sheng is still smug and doesn’t want to fall with one foot. It turns out that there is a slope in front of Sun Sheng because the sight is too dim. Sun Shenggen didn’t notice this. Sun Sheng can complain that God was cruel and suffered from such inhuman abuse before his death. Sun Sheng will never come again. There are hands to protect his head and turn around to protect himself behind his back. After the sound of "Yes", Sun Sheng will have a long "roll" journey. Fortunately, the slope is smooth and there are no bumps, otherwise Sun Sheng may not be. Killed by locusts, but knocked to death by this slope, Sun Sheng didn’t feel how much blood he lost, but he couldn’t hold on to the attack and felt dizzy. Sun Sheng wanted to insist, but after insisting, Sun Sheng still didn’t hold on and passed out.

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