Everyone suddenly felt very messy.

There is no sign that Ballack will come to Lazio. Why did Lazio turn Ballack here quietly?
Besides, everyone knows that Ballack earns millions of euros a year at Chelsea.
Everyone knows that Lazio’s maximum salary is 4 million.
How is the huge gap between the two bridged?
Did Lazio break the salary cap with a Ballack?
What do the other players in the locker room think?
Ballack, a foreigner who dares to ask for more than one million euros a year before he has made great achievements, what should we do if Lazio has made great contributions to winning the Champions League?
Isn’t it worth an annual salary of 9 million or even 10 million euros?
There has been no excuse. The black Lazio media finally found their chance this time.
They think that they have always won, and Lotito has made a stupid move this time!
第两百六十六章 拉齐奥是香饽饽?
"Yes is often! He always gets the highest salary in the team! This is what Lazio said in the original contract and the regular contract renewal. Now that Ballack is here, what should I do with an annual salary of 6 million or even 7 million euros? I’m sure I’ll get a raise, too. Will he get a raise or not? Without the imbalance in everyone’s mind, why can you two get high salaries? Will Garlazio’s finances collapse immediately? I heard that Lazio Club is still planning to build a new stadium, and they are financially tight now … "
Pacheco kept listing all kinds of data in the program to prove that what he said was true, and racked his brains to provoke a public opinion situation, which affected the Lazio Club Department.
He was looking forward to the next day when Lazio’s main players came out and asked the club to give him a raise …
That would be lively.
But Pacheco was disappointed again.
The next day he waited for the news that Lazio’s main players were not asking for a raise.
But the rumours between Lazio and Ballack’s agent.
"We can’t disclose Barak’s specific annual salary, but we can tell you that this figure certainly does not break the highest standard of our club’s current salary cap!"
The official spokesperson of Lazio Club told reporters [W W W]
It is an unspoken rule that the club does not announce the annual salary of players.

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人参,被誉为“百草之王”,是东北三宝之一。其性平、味甘、微苦,具有大补元气、生津止渴、安神益智等功效。人参中含有丰富的皂苷、多糖、氨基酸等营养成分,能有效地调节人体免疫系统,增强抵抗力,改善睡眠质量,延缓衰老。 蛹虫草,又称北冬虫夏草,是一种珍贵的中药材。它以长白山野生柞树雄蛾茧蛹为原料,结合现代科技,经过无菌接种、夏至采收等工艺制成。蛹虫草含有丰富的虫草素、虫草多糖等有效成分,具有扶正固本、增强免疫力、护肝补肾等功效。现代药理研究表明,蛹虫草对老年性慢性支气管炎、肺原性心脏病、肝脏解毒能力等方面具有显著疗效。 人参与蛹虫草的结合,使得养生效果更加显著。以下是一些常见的养生配方: 1. 参草益生颗粒:该产品以人参、蛹虫草、枸杞子、桑葚、黄精、酸枣仁等为主要成分,具有补气养血、调节阴阳、增强免疫力等功效。 2. 生机元滋补养生汤:该汤以鲜人参、蛹虫草、花胶、枸杞、乌鸡肉、桂圆等为主要原料,具有滋补养生、抗衰老、增强免疫力等功效。 3. 昆布羊肚菌蛹虫草肽:该产品以昆布、羊肚菌、蛹虫草、肽等为主要成分,具有调理高血压、改善伴随症状、稳定血压等功效。 在服用这些养生配方时,应注意以下几点: 1. 适量服用:过量服用可能导致身体不适,建议在医生指导下使用。 2. 饮食搭配:在服用养生配方的同时,保持良好的饮食习惯,多吃蔬菜、水果,少吃油腻、辛辣食物。 3. 适量运动:保持适量的运动,有助于提高身体素质,增强免疫力。 总之,人参和蛹虫草作为养生必备良药,在调节人体机能、增强免疫力、延缓衰老等方面具有显著功效。合理搭配,科学服用,相信能为我们的生活带来更多健康与活力。